Facial Revitilisation Acupuncture
"As you grow older don't envy the fresh blossoms of spring" *
It’s true that we can’t turn back the clock and become young again, but cosmetic acupuncture can help reduce signs of the ageing process, helping us look fresh, healthy and glowing.
You may have been tempted to try treatments such as botox or fillers to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, or considered some form of cosmetic surgery to ‘lift’ your face. No method can offer a permanent solution and people often find themselves on a path that leads them further into invasive and potentially harmful treatments to enhance their appearance.
Cosmetic, or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture as it is widely known, is an increasingly popular way to achieve similar results, without the undesirable side effects associated with other forms of cosmetic enhancements. It works by stimulating important facial acupuncture points, which among other things help to strengthen slackening muscles and stimulate the skin’s production of collagen.
Here are just some of the effects you could experience from a course of cosmetic facial acupuncture:
• improved muscle tone and dermal contraction
• increased collagen production and dispersal – it helps to eliminate fine lines and has a diminishing effect on larger wrinkles
• increased facial circulation, promoting skin rejuvenation
• reduced bags under the eyes – helps to eliminate puffiness by improving metabolism and thus eliminating excess fluids
• decreased tendency to sagging and jowls – reduces or eliminates double chins and helps lift drooping eyelids
• improved hormonal balance and hormone-based skin conditions
• improved facial colour by increase of peripheral circulation
• balancing of sebaceous secretions thus improving dry skin and oily skin/acne
• tightened pores
• brighter eyes
If you are interested in having a course of cosmetic treatment, call me or e-mail me to discuss suitability. While cosmetic acupuncture is a very safe treatment, there are a few conditions that are contraindicated and I would advise to treat these first with Five Element Acupuncture before embarking on your Facial Acupuncture course.
2013: Certified in Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture and Facial Revitalisation Massage and Acupressure, as taught by Virginia Doran the leading authority on Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture in the United States